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Maîtrise du Paramoteur v6


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This book prepares the candidate to pass the theoretical microlight license. It covers all types of lightweight aeroplanes while addressing priority to Paramotor pilot. Concise, it provides quick and easy access to the desired information. A reference book.

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24,70 € tax incl.


26,00 € tax incl.

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This work should enable the future ULM pilot. candidate for the common tron ​​ULM theory exam. to prepare and above all to pass this test whatever the class towards which it is oriented and whatever the chosen option: pilot or instructor.

Indeed the chapters altimetry, regulations, meteorology, aerodynamics, navigation, onboard instruments, ULM propulsion and human factors are the same for all and for all ULM classes and the questions asked during this theoretical examination are chosen. in all of these chapters.

Only the mechanical part of the flight and paramotor practice deals specifically with this discipline and will therefore be of particular interest to pararmotors.

As for instructors, this book will help them. during the training of their students, to quickly and easily access the information requested or possibly to confirm certain knowledge whose memory sometimes tends to fade. We also wanted to classify by chapter all the knowledge which seemed useful to the ULM pilot while avoiding as much as possible the sprinkling of information over the phases. which makes it so difficult to find this or that element.

This book contains the following topics:
- Altimetry
- Regulation
- Meteorology
- Flight Mechanics
- Aerodynamics
- Navigation
- Instrumentation
- Propulsion ultralight
- Human Factors
- Convenient foot launch paramotor

Its author is the pilot Francis SIEKLUCKI.
The book is edited by Cépaduès Publishing.