Pack altivario Syride Sys\'Evolution...
Pack of 4 phosphorescent T-fittings to connect the conical aluminum tube...
Parts for Vitorazzi Atom 80 engines renowned for their reliability, lightness and low consumption.
Molded spark plug cap screw on the cable coil output paramotor Miniplane Top80
The NGK B9ES spark plug, unequipped resistance, has a high heat index. It is intended for configurations pushed and especially the engine Top80.
The NGK BR9EIX Iridium spark plug improves combustion and reduces power consumption.It is designed for extensive configurations and adapted to the Top80 engine.
Airbox, intended for the Vittorazi Atom80 engine
Kit of two Gearbox radial shaft seals for Vittorazi Atom80
Bearing kit for motor reducer Top 80.Warning: Remember to specify the type of gear
Kit of two O-rings for Vittorazi Atom80 gearbox
Complete repair pack:\r\n\r\n1 bearing kit\r\n1 spinnaker seal kit\r\n1 O-ring kit\r\n