Combining hardware, accelerator hooks, carabiners, pulleys, chain, shackles...
Lets you snap the speed bar to elevators of a paraglider. Allows adjustment of the speed bar during the flight.
Pulley returns angle for the passage of accelerator cord to fix on the harness of paraglider and paramotor
Just as light but faster than a flexible connector, the T-Bone Link incorporates “Konnect” technology (10g per unit) and is usable for all types of connectionsBreaking load greater than 2400daN Sold by pairs
After deploying the reserve parachute, it may become urgently necessary to detach the paraglider. The PARALOCK eliminates the need to carry a cutting tool or pull the paraglider, saving valuable time. Intended for : the fifth wheel-riser connection (recommended for paramotor trolleys).Click on the image to see how it works :
Auto steel carabiner developed to link between the harness and wing.Used in acrobatic flights, tandem or paramotor flight equipped with a trolley.
Pack of two auto steel carabiners developed to liaise between the harness and wing.Used in acrobatic flights, tandem or paramotor flight equipped with a trolley.
Lightweight carabiner, self-closing, Zicral designed for connection harness elevators with an excellent weight / strength ratio. Perfect for light harness with 30 mm straps.
2 lightweight carabiners, self-closing, Zicral designed for connection between harness and elevators with an excellent weight / strength ratio. Perfect for light harness with straps 30 mm.
Carabiner for harness (old version) designed to link harness and elevators.
51 gram light paraglider carabiner for modern, narrow webbing straps of up to 25 mm width
Pack 2 carabiner, 51 gram light for modern harness, narrow webbing straps of up to 25 mm width
Two carabiners for harness (old version) and designed for connecting the harness to the elevators
Stainless steel carabiner 6 mm. Connection between a strap (parachute) and a harness
Pack of 2 square stainless Links 6 mm. Enhanced parachute or glider attachment
Carabiner stainless steel 6 mm. Connection between a strap (parachute) and a harness D=6mm Lb=40mm +-0.5 Lh=28mm +-0.5
Pack of 2 square stainless Links 6 mm. Enhanced parachute or glider attachment
7mm square steel links to connect the parachute straps
Pack of 2 square stainless Links 7 mm. Enhanced parachute or glider attachment
Stainless steel shackle lyre to connect harness to the mobile bars.
Keychain with mirror system unwinder callback. Pull the mirror, connected by a wire hook and place the front of the tank to control the fuel level. Then release the mirror which come back on the hook remained attached to the harness.
Accelerator paragliding with a elastic recall system. Weight: 100g
Foot-rest designed for pre-equipped harnesses with rescue container under the seat plate.Fits following harnesses :ALTIX², XP² (without Speedbag), ALTIRANDO² RS, QUO VADIS, EVO XC 2...
Carbon fiber seat plates equip the light harnesses and can also replace wooden seat plates with corresponding sizes to reduce the overall weight by about 500 g.The carbon seat plates come in various sizes: the first dimension is the width, and the second, the depth.
Paragliding accélérator double stage ultra light for light harness type Radical Weight: 45g
Kit of two pulleys to fix the accelerator to the harness and permit passage of accelerator cord. For harness of paraglider and paramotor
6mm stainless steel oval link for connecting parachute and parachute straps
Battery for paramotor starter 14.8V 2800 mA Lithium Polymer Attention: to be charged only with a COMPATIBLE CHARGER
Battery charger for paramotor starters Battery Specifications: 14.8V 2150 mA Lithium Polymer
7mm stainless steel oval link for connecting parachute and parachute straps
Recommended for dry maintenance of your machines - 400ml spray.
Helmet interior liner cleaner Clean 250ml Motul